About Us

Acoustic Blinds and Curtains is the brand for Acoustic Blinds and Curtains in Australia.

We offer acoustic solutions in window furnishings - with an industry leading range of acoustic fabrics, including exclusive fabrics, and a custom noise reduction solution.

Our positioning is effective, affordable and designer acoustic treatments.

Our Acoustic Blinds and Curtains offer simple, cost effective noise reduction and sound absorption compared to other acoustic products and a functional alternative to traditional blinds and curtains!

We create value
We solve real problems
We believe in the scientific method – and evidence based solutions
We focus on our customers as individuals
We value working with people that we trust, respect and think are awesome
We are entrepreneurial in all the best ways – driven, resourceful, agile...
We focus on the hard part


Our mission is to help the world sleep soundly and hear clearly

Our vision is to create acoustic environments that inspire happy, healthy and productive living

Contact us if you would like to learn more or to join our amazing team!


Sleep Soundly. Hear Clearly.